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Subject: Visiting a single family plantation of banana and manioc. The soil is so poor that it can only support crops for 2 years. The family then has to move on and clear another plot of land. Years later, they can come back to this plot.
Amazonas06 - 144 * Common Squirrel Monkey.

Amazonas06 - 145 * Common Squirrel Monkey.

Amazonas06 - 146 * The starting poing of yet another muddy hike.

Amazonas06 - 147 * Its raining today to give us a sampling of the season ahead (minus the extreme flooding).

Amazonas06 - 148

Amazonas06 - 150

Amazonas06 - 151 * A well organized kitchen by anyone's standards.

Amazonas06 - 152 * Close-up of the intricate thatching on the roof.

Amazonas06 - 153 * Even the dog house is prepared for rain and flood.

Amazonas06 - 154

Copyright © 2006 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video)

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